Sunday, September 03, 2006


There are two other women in the computer lab. They are seated exactly in the opposite corner of the room, staring at one another's monitor and giggling. And this is not cute giggling, no... this is not a girlish giggle that warms a man's heart or tightens a man's trousers. This isn't even a magnificent cackle that shakes the rafters with the sheer force of the joy contained therin. No, they are giggling soley to annoy me.

Okay, maybe I've grown paranoid, but sitting in the dark all day can do that to a man! That's right, there is still no electricity in my home, but if it's any consolation there are some 40,000 Westchester homes in a similar condition. And yes, that does console me, but it does not bring back the milk in my fridge which is even now teetering over the precipice of irrideemability, even with the strongest of chocolate mixes.

I want electricity in my home. Is this so much to ask, Consolodated Edison? I want electricity and you have a stupid name! Grrr! ARGH! ED SMASH!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

watch dvds on your laptop if your batteries are still charged.

9/03/2006 7:18 PM  
Blogger Ed Turner said...

Not a bad suggestion, Dudenon, but you weren't around for the Saga of the Laptop a year or so ago. Long story short, my laptop doesn't have a screen to it, because I hate Atlantic City. No, seriously, that's the actual reason; I got so frustrated at the place I slammed my laptop shut and the screen cracked. I have anger problems sometimes. Thanks, though.

9/03/2006 9:58 PM  
Blogger Ed Turner said...

Not a bad suggestion, Dudenon, but you weren't around for the Saga of the Laptop a year or so ago. Long story short, my laptop doesn't have a screen to it, because I hate Atlantic City. No, seriously, that's the actual reason; I got so frustrated at the place I slammed my laptop shut and the screen cracked. I have anger problems sometimes. Thanks, though.

9/03/2006 9:58 PM  
Blogger Vincent Avatar said...

So do you have power now?

Huh? Do you?

9/04/2006 10:53 AM  

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