Friday, July 02, 2004

I have virtually nothing in common with James Lileks.

Honestly, virtually nothing. He's a middle-aged Republican with a family in Minnesota. I'm not. He has a column in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, one published book and another on its way, and a website so popular that he has to take down large chunks of it because he gets so many visitors he overshoots his bandwidth limits. I don't. He regularly updates his weblog, adds new content, writes columns by a deadline, and takes care of a child. I can't get a job and still barely update this thing twice a week. My point? I have no idea. I think I was going somewhere with this, but then I started hating him so now I'm not so sure. Oh wait, I got it! He wrote a thing which made me laugh so hard I was in pain. He's even funnier than I am. Damn that guy.


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