Friday, June 25, 2004

Gosh bless this man!

Okay, you ever have those days where you've suddenly developed a soul crushing obsession to recreate a minor part of your childhood? Like, you're minding your own business, and suddenly you come to the conclusion that if you don't see an episode of 'the Smurfs' within the hour you'll scream? Or the maddening desire to remember the name of the blue Thundercat? Well, the Internet has been a boon and wonder to those who suffer like this. Why I remember one time, I spent a good hour trying to make one of those little expanding paper ninja stars, and ended up covered in Post-It notes and near tears, but ten minutes after letting the Internet dance across my forebrain, I was all ninja-stylin'! But today, today I was, for some reason even I can't fathom, desperate to make those little claws you made out of old math homework in grade school. You remember! Except you don't really! You remember of them, but you don't know how to make them. And now that you remember what it was like trying to open chocolate milk with claws, you want to remember. Well, Allen Fowler, it seems, it the only person on the Internet who cared to relieve me of my pain. Thanks, PunMan! Now I can claw till my heart's content. And freak out my cats! Yay! Yes, Mr. Fowler, today you've earned my begrudging respect. But be wary! For I may turn on you at any instant, and next time... I'll have claws! Bwah ha hah! Bwah ha ha ha hah!

Incidentally, the blue Thundercat was named Panthro. You're welcome.


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