Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I beat it! I beat N! Sixty levels, five stages per level, more hours than I'd care to admit, and it's done! No one else that I know can boast such a feat, or even close to such a feat. I'm simply the best! Better than all the rest! Better than everyone! Uh... duh duh duh duh uhn... or something. Whatever! I rock! I even unlocked a SeCrEt MoDe that I dare not talk about! Because it's too super secret! And mysterious! And amazing! Well, no, not really. It's neat, but not astounding. But it is a secret that I preserve because it makes me feel better than you losers.

Why am I so excited? Because I'm not often the best at any sort of game. Really, I'm not too strategic, my reaction time ain't that great, and I'm easily frustrated. Not a good mix! But somehow, my sheer addiction-fueled persistance (and my inner ninja nature) let me win.

Today, I am a happy Ed. My ninja died over 9000 times, but I'm happy.


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