Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I don't need a PDA.

Seriously, I don't. I have no need for a PDA at this point in my life. In fact, it's one of my few goals in life, to never get to the point where a PDA is required for me to get through my day... that's way more pressure than I'd like. But... that being said... just because I don't need a PDA doesn't mean I don't want one. It's a little handheld bundle of wonder and information, and if it's connected to the Internet, then I have everything the world knows in my pocket! It's... it's...

Okay, I'm not going to lie to you. It answers to a pretty serious Star Trek aesthetic, even more powerful than having a cell phone that flips open, or paying aborigines to open doors with a "SHWOOP!" sound when you walk towards them. Not when you walk by them, though, no the doors are smarter than that. Those doors can recognise Intent.

I've been looking at PDAs, if you can't guess. The iPAQ RX3115 is very nice, if a little higher-end than I'd like to pay for. Of course,I hate spending money, so I'd much rather it be free... but that won't happen, probably. It's a bit pricey for a gift, unless I, like, save a guy's life. So. I'm going to have to save a guy's life, then. Anyone out there in mortal danger, want to let me save them? Anyone?


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