Saturday, March 12, 2005

Japanese candy.

I, uh, I got a bunch of it. And, of course, it's zany. Men's Pocky! It's like Pocky, but exclusively for men! For no real understandable reason! Soda with marbles in it! Giant sprinkle things! Sushi! Well, that's not candy, so much, but it was really tasty and I got it from a really good Japanese restaurant. Then we (Alek, Mark, Jose, Monica, Candice, Tina, and I) went to Trader Joes, retrieving truffles, then, eventually, an Asian market, where I retrieved candy, and fancy chopsticks. Fancy! They're wood-grained, like a television set from the eighties, which is basically the greatest thing ever. And... that's about it. Sorry, I don't feel much like talking right now... tommorow, I'll be extra entertaining, just to make up for it. Triple entertaining, all for you. Happy? Better be!


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