Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Groundhog madness!

I don't really care about Groundhog's Day. Except the movie, the movie I care about more than you'd expect. I mean seriously, I'd defend it with my life. I'd defend it with your life. I'd defend it with the very notion of life itself. Ah, Bill Murray. Funny guy. Ha.

Anyway, um, yeah. It's-a the day of the hog, so got your furry woodland mammals, drag 'em out of their comfortable home, shove into the light, with screaming crowds an cameras and music and loudness and everything else critters evolutionarily designed to hide most of their lives love, see if maybe they get a little nervous and ready to head back into their beloved burrow. And then, see, because that's not enough, blame the crappy weather on them for the next fortnight. Whoopee! That's a holiday!


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