Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Eye Oh Enn Ay.

So, now that I have Internet access again, I'm a-gonna do the noble thing and wrote something nice and long to make up for, well, yesterday. Sorry about that. Time zones, people, I thought I had another hour! But that's no excuse. Well, it is an excuse, but not a good one. Okay, it's pretty good, because it makes it out to be not my fault without actually shifting blame and making me look like a jerk, but still. Sorry.

So, yeah, how 'bout that yesterday, huh? Eight hundred-something miles, a two-point-five-hour flight in a seat made for people roughly half my size. I don't know how it works for you normies, but at six five, three hundred pounds, one really starts to feel like a jerk in these situations. Planes, buses, theatres, buffets, barren fields, anywhere really. See, the problem is that my legs are too long, I can't actually fit between the back of my seat and the seat in front of me. Thus, I'm splayed out like a bad metaphor, taking up, eh, let's say, most of the aisle, the bulk of my neighbors seat, and my foot has phased through the wall of the plane and is now exposed to hard vacuum. Um... if-if we were in space. Which we might be. You don't know! You don't know me! You're not my real father! Except you, Dad. You're my real father. The rest of you, though... watch yourselves!


Okay, that paragraph being over and done with, let us get on to another paragraph. This one. Hello! How's it going? Well, I hope. So... onto today. One class on Tuesdays, and it's acting. I quite enjoy my acting class. My acting 'class'. Or, my 'acting class'. Okay, okay; "acting 'class'". I'm not sure if it'd even possible to convey that last bit with obnoxious finger quotes. I could try, though.

Um, I didn't really do anything else today, kids. Unpacking, setting up the room, getting Internet access, murdering a hobo with a hammer, and then posting a slightly longer than necessary post to make up for lameness yesterdaywise. Hopefully, I've succeeded.


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