Thursday, January 13, 2005

Happy Birthplusoneday!

So, how 'bout that birthday bash, huh? I tell you, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I laugh at my own jokes when I read them for the second time, but I sure do love me. Actually, that's a lie. I feel no love, for my heart is cold and black as pitch. Pitch made of coal. Innat right Nic?

Oh, yes indeed sir. Verily, such 'tis. Aye aye! Aloth wiv' me swiffins and all that rot!

I... I don't think those were words, lady. Also... English? Whaaa?

Okay, I think that's quite sufficient. If you weren't satisfied with today's post then BY GOD just read the long-ass one from yesterday again. It's reall long! You probably skimmed the last time!


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