Five hours early!
No, I still don't know what to write about, but I am not going to wait until 11:55 to start. Not today! See, now, if I were smart, which I'm not, but if I were, I would write these updates right before I went to bed, which is to say, after midnight. Thus, running into the tail end of the deadline wouldn't be a problem for me, and if I can't think of something witty/interesting/witteresting to write, I have an entire day to mull over the post, rather than a minute to peck out an embarrassed apology for my inability to ignore my distractions. If I were smart, that's what I'd do. Sadly, I'm not smart, so I haven't come to this realization yet. So, if anyone of you intelligent, charming, and might I add, totally studly Interneteers out there would be so kind as to suggest such a thing, I feel the state of the website will improve significantly.
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