It's time I had some time alone...
I was a bit sad. The exact reasons don't bear mentioning, and don't mention bears, so I won't get into it, but such it was.
So I think to myself: Gee, Ed. What sort of music do I have to foster a good Sulk?
The answer? 'Everybody Hurts' by R.E.M.
Which, of course, cheers me up immensely. Because it reminds me of giant lobsters being dissed by Ed McMahon.
And no, I'm not going to explain why, but there is a reason. And of course, by the end of the song, I'm feeling much better because, dammit, lobsters. And it doesn't hurt if the next track happens to be 'It's the End of the World (as We Know It)', because if ever a song could pump me up, that would be it. It's like 'We Didn't Start the Fire', but with some extra awesome added for flavor. And then I realize it's Friday, and I have no classes, and my mother sent me Terry Pratchett's 'THUD', a novel which has started promisingly enough, and I got myself 'We (heart) Katamari' for PS2, which will let me roll many things. And I've got half a pizza in the fridge, and mysterious chicken wings on my couch. Plus a sink fulla water.
The chorus says to me "It's time I had some time alone," and it might be right. It's entirely possible for me to experience no human contact whatsoever for a full day. Because, let's face it, about 60% of my problems are based on human contact (the rest being divided between personal neuroses and the Orcs).
Hmm. It's about two now... let's see if I can't keep that door closed until it's two again.
... maybe I shouldn't eat those buffalo wings, then.
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