Thursday, September 15, 2005


I have not had Internet access for the past few days. Which is distressing in many ways... I have to call IT to get this looked at, I'm falling behind in my webcomics, I can't check in with Amber (and dammit, a day without a healthy spoonful of Amber is a day WASTED), and of course, I completely fail to entertain you, my bewebbed public. So, please accept my apologies for being silent.

So... I have a major announcement, but I'm not going to announce it until I get Internety roomtime again, because there are files you might wish to download. If you know it, you know it. If you don't... well... tough. Ha! You suck! I'll bite you! Or... uh... tell you the next time I talk to you. You know. One of those.

Anything else? I'm in the lab, which I hate, so I won't type much. Um... been a bit loopy the last few days... bit of an Emotional Roller-Coaster, you see. Left me a bit on-edge. Talked to the Players; I'm still not officially affiliated but there's no hate at the moment. Asked a pretty girl out; was rejected politely, no hard feelings. Oh, hell, that could be mistaken for a pun if you read it desperately enough. Let's see... signed up for the Iona College Literary Magazine; it's new, could be fun. Learned that Seamus is a vile, vile bastard of a man... I should talk to him sometime, see if I can't scare him away from the rest of the folks who hate him. Or at least make it so I don't freak out when I see him sitting next to a woman because I don't know if he's pulling something awful. Supposed to go to a tremendous feast tomorrow; it grows less likely as it grows closer. The Ren Faire on Sunday, though, that I won't miss. And... other things I shan't get into, because I just discovered Amber, and must dish.


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