Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So, rehearsal ran long so obviously I'm not going to be able to say a whole heck of a lot what with it being literally minutes away from midnight right now and me being forced to type as fast as possible to get it in but the good thing is that the thing went long because of it sstarting late not because it needed a lot of work except for the bows which took up a lot of time and are basically why this is being foced out at what appears to be the literal last possible minute. Sorry people, I should have done it earlier but I was busy talking with the Nicole, so really it's al her fault and if you want to send her flaming hate mail, spewing vitrol, and curses written out in Heinlen's MArtian language, well, that is your perogotive. Do as thou shalt. Whoa, 11:59 aqnd I'm using Olde English, I'm a classy slacker!


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