Friday, February 25, 2005

Life is pain!

Well, my feet are pain. I did a lot of walking today. Two miles to and from the bank, to get some of that sweet, sweet scratch transformed from an on-paper abstraction to an in-the-computer abstraction. And then someday, it'll either be an in-my-pocket abstraction (available in paper or plastic) or, ideally, converted to very concrete goods and services. Which is to say, goods and services relating to concrete: cement, gravel, the mixing and pouring thereof, ek-setrah.

Can you tell I'm slightly less maudlin today? Friday's a good day for me. No class, though I worked a little, and then I trudged up to the theatre to watch Constantine. Keanu Reeves, flipping off the devil! In all likelihood, that's what's going to be robotted tomorrow, unless something really amazing pops up over the course of tonight. Which is pretty unlikely, as I'm all weary from my walking and rehearsing and life itself. And then there's playing N until time itself ends. I suppose that's reviewable too... hmm... well. Only time will tell.

And speaking of time (what an eclectic post this is!) there's going to be something special unveiled in not too much of it. Stay tuned, my sexies, for hilarity will be available sometime before March fourth. OOOoooOOOooo, mysterious!


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