Saturday, January 22, 2005


It's snowing! Like crazy! Hooray! Well, hooray for me, at least, who doesn't have to shovel or drive in this stuff. A moment of silence for Nic and others like her, who don't get to go play in the snow with chilklike abandon. Now, forget about those poor pathetic bastards, and think about me some more! I rock! [Dances]

So, we're gonna go play in the snow for a while in a while. There will be much rejoicing! And freezing! And rasslin'! And suchlike!

Ah, new review up. Little Blogshares button, because I signed up for that in the hopes to raise my standing exponentially. I want to kick Wil Wheaton back into Telnet. Or... or something. I don't know. Whatever. Goodnight.


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