Friday, December 23, 2005


That's right, the book. I just read it, and it was pretty good. Seriously, for the first time, I read the entire sucker from stem to stern, making corrections as I went. Oh, it's a quick read, and some of the corrections were significant (characters should really inform me when they want to change their own names), but the end result is that this is a manuscript which I am not afraid to have my name attached to. And boy howdy, is it ever attached, don't you think different! I am a proud papa to this Mad Jack, and copyright infringement ain't gonna be tolerated boy howdy! Anyway. My weekend's task is to create a Dramatis Personea and a map, because I think those are all pretty cool.

My other weekend's task happens to be driving to Indiana for Christmas, which reminds me that I have a metric assload of wrapping left to do. Gar.


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