Busy weekend.
Let's see now, of the last three performances, one was canceled, though the cast party went on. Well, given that I was the only cast member there, it was really more of a 'just a party' party, but still. Then performance two, followed by a hot date with a pretty lady. The hot, in this instance, being provided by the spicy foodstuffs at Buffalo Wild Wings, a truly delicious chain I recommend to y'all with gusto. This segued into Ed's first ever trip to a club-type location, where I respectfully turned down the opportunity to sleep with an attractive yet overimbibed woman, in favor of, you know, being a human being. And though the evening ended smootchless, I will contend its 'hot date' status to my last. Then! Return to here, chat with the Ambs, and get my sleep on for not nearly long enough before I am forced to wake up, do the final performance (using a throat that's sick, tired, and spent the last night straining to be heard over loud, loud music), do the afternoon cast party proper, with pizza, go to the auditions for the next play, sing 'Sweet Transvestite' with a bad throat, dance to too-fast music with a bloated belly, and acted with a large, bald man portraying my daughter. Then, hot date number two, a Starbuck's outing whose 'hot date' status was officially declared, and agreed upon. Afterwards, to the radio station for some vocal chicanery, before I started feeling rather ill. I blame the coffee. Following, return to my domicile, shower, a notch of writing hither, and henceforth, slumber... now!
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