Thursday, December 01, 2005

What to do...

I've got time to spare all of a sudden. Time not filled with Mad Jack. What... what the hell? I finished?

Okay, I know I'm all about self-horn tooting here regardless, but I am inclined to go excessively hubristic on this one. I wrote a novel! I'm the only person I know who has ever done that! I know people who started a novel, and some of them made respectable progress. I know people who are in the process of writing a novel, and that's also respectable, 'specially the ones which I've read portions of and what contain a distinct lack of suck. But me, I have on my hard drive (and YES! backed up to hell and back) a fully formed novel that flowed out of my head. I've created more in a month than some people will in their entire lives! It's insane!

So now what? Well... first I have to make sure I lord it over absolutely everyone. Ever. Then, this. I can get my novel... [heartwarming moment where I look off the the upper left, sigh, and say "MY novel" softly]... er, I can get my novel professionally put together in proper book form between now and January 16th, for free. Free, in addition to being my favorite color, is an awesome incentive. And really, that's what NaNoWriMo is all about, setting incentives and deadlines so that you actually get things done instead of merely wanting to do it some day. Or wanting to have done it already. So, I'm giving myself a few days of detachment to fall out of love with myself and my characters and the quirky little universe they inhabit (robots with hats? unerringly polite genocidal maniacs? hundred meter wide spaceborne slingshots? GIANT PHOTOSYNTHETIC SPIDERS WHO COMMUNICATE BY SMELL?), and then I'm diving headfirst into the logical followup: National Novel Finishing, Editing, Rewriting, Polishing Up And Formatting Forty-Five-Day Period.

That's right. NaNoFinEdRePolUpAnFoFoFiDaPe. Who's psyched?


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