Hey kiddo. How are you? Oh? What's that? You've violently disappointed in me for failing to conform with my standing promise to deliver one-hundred words or more per day, and in fact failed to meet that amount by two orders of magnitude? That's... that's an oddly specific complaint to have. But, it's correct, I did fail to meet the highly-touted Octuple P Promise, and now am liable to be punished. But before you start sending me flames in Orwellian Newspeak, let me just say that I was not in my happy place yesterday, and anything I posted would have been... regrettable, at best. But, I have made a triumphant return to my happy place now, which is good, because let's face it, if there's ever a truly miserable time to be miserable, it's Valentine's Day. But there is no misery for me on this day, as I have for a Valentine a gorgeous lady who digs me relentlessly, in spite of everything I put her through, and despite the fact that we're 850 miles away from each other, and the inherent stress and difficulty thereof. She's wonderful, and I adore her so.
Also, my other Valentine is a local gent named Massimo, because, you know, different time zone, different Valentine, right? He's maybe a little more of a man than I like in my women, but he's still got some degree of wonderfulness.
Back to the subject of yesterday, and, of course, my penance. I'll not be content to simply let the insults roll in, no, I shall pursue a tough of self-flagellation. Or, really, self-posting-an-embarrassing-photo-of-tion. Um, yeah, something like that. You don't have to look, and you probably won't want to, so I'll put it below the fold, as it were. Click to see a fat man in his underwears!
That's me, there, in the Scooby Doos, and my Affirmative Action Minority Friend Jose, dressed in all my clothes. We... we're college students, see.
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