Sunday, July 11, 2004


Meet Ducky. Ducky is my friend. That would be Ducky over to the left. No, my left. Go on, look to the right...… further...… and up a little...… now update your browser to recognize CSS...… there he is! Poking his head through the hole in the internet to watch you reading my writing. Adorable, isn't he? It was not easy getting him to come visit; I know very little about cascading style sheets, so I spend a good hour trying to grok layers before I realized that, hey, maybe there are a few options that I can use with a simple background image tag! Ha hah...… I was a fool! But seriously, I hope you like Ducky. He's quite the duck! He'll probably stay up there in the corner until I decide he's gotten a little too cutesy, at which point I'll replace him with a robot sticking his head through a hole. Or something. On the other hand, I can see myself dressing him up for the holidays. Ducky with bunny ears come Easter... Ducky as a pirate for Halloween... Ducky controlling the media during Hanukkah.... the possibilities are limited only by my ambition. So yeah, he probably ain't changing. Whatever, he's adorable.


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