Sunday, January 01, 2006

A sober reflection on the year to come...

Which is to say that I'll be examining the possibilities with a calm, rational eye, and not necessarily to point out that I'm about the only twenty-year-old male in the Western world who did not use the occasion as an excuse to go out and get wasted beyond all recognition. As it happens, I just returned from a got-together where the liquid refreshments were Coke and Fanta served in champaign flutes, and I wasn't in much of a drinking mood anyway. Besides, that's what Meg's birthday is for, isn't it?

So... years, eh? I dunno... some people have this obsession with the importance of years that confounds me. They assign a value to this day, and other milestone days, that I never would. I don't do that; a woman I was talking to earlier said that she couldn't stand a New Year's celebration if she weren't wearing a new shirt, clean underwear, with money in her pocket and a man within groping distance. Others have their own superstitions, and that boils all the way down to New Year's Resolutions. Folks compare years, decide and declare ways in which this upcoming one can be markedly better than the one that came before it. I never got into that, though. Maybe, and mind you, I'm talking straight out of my ass because sober or not it's still four in the morning, maybe I'm one of those people who think about time more linearly than most. I mean, I recognize the cyclical aspects to time; days follow days, years follow years, the Big Crunch at the end of Time is followed by another Big Bang (scientific conjecture), et al, but I never bought it, the way that each cycle is anymore than an arbitrary denotation for the straight arrow of time. Thus, if I make some sort of life altering decision, the most important thing isn't that I put it into action at the start of the next cycle so as to better compare it to the previous one, but instead that I get into it straight away, because I want the Future to be better than the Past and that can only occur in the Present. Making any sense? Because I've only got half a grasp on the concept myself. Seriously, I started this as a brief treatise on how awesome it was to see people from high school I hadn't talked to in years, and moreso, to find out that they actually missed me; this linear time nonsense came out of nowhere I can figure. It deserves more thought that I can give it at this hour... for example, do Buddhists make resolutions? If they're a exclusive to the Judeo-Christian world, than the entire thing is shot, innit? In any case... instead of saying that last year was good and I hope the next will be better, I'm inclined to say that I've been doing well for a healthy chunk of time now, and I'm sure that things are only going to get better.

More detail to come later in the year when I'm nice and rested.


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