God of War!
Okay. Hat... failure. I will not, it seems, get a fedora. So, I got a video game. Specifically, I got God of War, which is a pretty damned intense hacky-slashy killkill good time. And now... I can't play, because Courney asked me to cover her shift, and we all know I'm utterly incapable of saying 'no' to anyone. Whatever. Regardless. I will surely delight in the game again when I do return to it in a little over an hour, and intend to play it well into the night. But not too late, because I have to do some ICTV thing tomorrow morning, because Joe Lopez asked me to, and let's face it... I can't possibly say no to anyone ever. It's some game show, but if my team (Jose and I) win, we get $100 to split between ourselves. Now, given that Jose is of llllllllllatin descent, it's only fair that the uneven pay scales in the real world transfer over, yes? Sixty-forty, in favor of the white man, for the same job, yes? Something along those lines, I confess I don't really care enough to look it up right now. Or most likely ever. I'm a lazy bastard. So be it.
Today's psychological integrety: high. Feelin' good about Ed. Not likely to be a nutcase.
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