Feeling... good?
I kid, of course. It's good to be glad. And I am! It's awesome! I lost the hell out of the scavenger hunt, of course. The only real hope for team Mudersaurus was to have no one else show up... running was involved, see, and we are out of shape, see, and it wasn't pretty. (Originally, team Murdersaurus was team Gay Lovers, not because we're gay lovers, but because we love gay people. You rock, Joe Lopez!)
So, what else is contributing to my happy? Well, talking to Candy has cheered me up, as she is basically the same bundle of neuroses as me, just condensed from six foot five to five foot six. Well, no, less, but the actual heights are less poetic. Anyway, it's still nice, although I admit to being less helpful than some of the folks who help me. The line of the night: "Stop being sad about being sad you crazy bitch!". It sounds meaner in text, but it was full of love, and she found it hilarious. Good times, good times. Ha hah... we're both screwed up in the head. But I'm happy!
Oh, and last night I had what is arguably the best dream I have ever had in my life. I rarely remember my dreams, and when I do they are usually dull (I have a vivid recollection of dreaming about discussing operating systems with my former RA), but I've had some doozies recently. For example, a while back I had a really intense dream about a car accident on the highway, right in front of the taxi I was riding in. It was pretty scary. Don't know what Freud would say of it, but it was interesting. Not as nice as last night's though. But I don't think I'll be revealing the specifics of that one to the general public, especially not now that I've learned that the general public includes my grandmother (Hi Nana!).
And now... I'm off! The God of War won't slay himself you know... there's a reason I got these crazy sword-chain things attached to my wrists. Toodles!
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