Wednesday, September 27, 2006

You thought I was kidding?

So, busy day today. I started work on that time machine I was talking about. Let me tell you, not as simple as I would have thought. I mean, this time stuff is really ridiculously resilient. It's like trying to swim up a particularly strong stream: it just keeps pushing forward and dragging me along behind it at the familiar-but-boring rate of one second per second (give or take, slower whilst in a particularly boring class, quicker whilst in a particularly attractive... um, bed). So, I thought to myself: "Okay Chauncey, who would I turn to if I needed to swim upstream?" And I realized. Salmon. Salmon swim upstream like tiny little robots who are designed to swim upstream, only I'm really no good at designing tiny little robots who are designed to swim upstream. But I am good at eating fish. Really good. Now, I'm not going to eat salmon after salmon until such a point as I'm filled with the enzyme that makes salmon good at swimming upstream... that's silly. Salmon's too pricy these days. What I'll DO is synthesize the enzyme, upstremazine, under laboratory conditions, and then use it to lubricate the trans-chronal matrix of my intra-temporal transit blimp.

Yes, I have opted to build my time machine in a blimp. I have really good scientific reasons for this, I swear. SCIENCE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your science is faulty! FAULTY!

9/27/2006 4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually heard that the flex capacitor was powered in part by Salmon DNA.

9/27/2006 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually heard that the flex capacitor was powered in part by salmon DNA.

9/27/2006 7:26 PM  

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