Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh, happy day!

So... I'm happy again. For many reasons. The whelmedness, of course. I haven't had a freakout since I lost the emo. I'm tempted to bring back the pastel background, but I'll keep this look for a few more days, so as to show off m'lady's additon, and to spite Ducky. Oh! And I got sixty bowls of cereal today.

"What was that last one?"

Sixty bowls of cereal. A mix of Special K, Red Berries, Smart Start, and Heart to Heart. Confused? Well... first you must understand that the school sells single serving cereal units in the cafeteria. Then you must understand that students are given a meal card with a declining balance, with $750 to be spent in the cefeteria. Then you must understand that while meal money rolls over between semesters in the year, that which is not used at the end of the year is lost forever. The final peice of the puzzle? Paul had $1000 in the cafeteria yesterday. He's rich! He has twenty days to spend a grand on food! I did my part to help... as will everyone else he knows... and today, my part to help involved buying a case of cereal. I like Special K Red Berries. Do I like it enough to eat it thrice a day, every day, in addition to the other meals I plan to eat on Paul's dime? Maybe! It remains to be seen!


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