Monday, September 20, 2004

Late night with Ed O'Brien

Twelve thirty! What with the play I'm rehearsing for, and the radio show I'm record monkeying for, and the set I'm building, this is about the only free time I get after classes, so these late incredibly early updates will be in style for this month. Now, if I can just figure out what it is I'm supposed to say.

Oh yeah! Today I was entrusted with the Keys to the Prop Room! Oh, yeah! It's like, if there was ever any doubt that I was a member of the family before, it's freaking gone now! I'm in awe of these keys! Okay, let me paint you a picture...


Okay, that came out pretty well, you should swing by and see it some time. Now, let me describe the keys to you through written medium...

The door to the prop room has two deadbolts, because people are totally after our C-clamps. Both deadbolts use the same key. Then there's the door knob, so there's three points of protection for all the props that we don't just leave on stage. So, for those playing at home, that's a maximum of two keys needed to access our big pile of two-by-fours, yes? And yet I now have a total of twelve keys on an 'I'm only bitchy on days that end in "Y".' keychain. Questions: why twelve? What do the other ten do? Should I try them out on every lock I can find? Why are the Players so bitchy? The keys come in several shapes and sizes, some of which are emblazoned with an address (387 Main St.), and most say 'DO NOT DUPLICATE' in scary little letters. I can't tell you what any of them do. And yet... they are the most important keys that have ever been entrusted to me. They guard all the light and sound equipment, the tools required for building the set, costumes and a plethora of useful tchotchkies. Ain't no building possible without 'em. I've never seen them outside the hands of Players higher-ups, and even though I'm their student government representative, I guess I just didn't see myself as a higher-up yet. But I guess I am.


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