Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Busy day.

So... how's it going, Internet? Good? Nice. Had a good day, have you? Good to know. Today, I got a package from my mother, Mom, containing, amongst other things, my Social Security card, which means I am now eligible to get payed for working. Huzzah! Huzzah forever! So, thanks Ma!

On to more pertinent business: Kitty! Meg got a kitten; a little grey tabby named George. It's adorable! It's a tiny little thing, about the size of my fist, although I have a significantly-sized fist. He was all curled up on a big, big pillow when I saw him. Cuddly! Whee! Dance!

I also got cake last night. Less cuddly than the cat, but arguably more delicious. It was my birthday cake, despite my birthday having been way back in June.

A pizza guy winked at me. I'm not sure why... no one else got the wink, just me. Unnerving...



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