Sunday, September 05, 2004

Well, it had to happen sometime.

Man, what was I thinking? Here I was, sure that coming back to Iona would make me inclined to post more, instead of, say, less. So, yeah, I missed a post for the first time since I instituted my promise not to miss a post. Darn. I'm sorry. But, It's not like I was just being lazy! I ended up working at the front desk for eight hours, instead of the two I'm supposed to (for those out of the loop, the front desk is where guests are signed into and out of the dormitory, and employees are assigned by two hour increments, and working four in a row is a good opportunity to read the better part of Hawking's 'Brief History of Time') so that's two thirds of my day shot between sleep and work. Then, I played cards with Alek, Jose, Candice, Erica (Mrs. Jose), Dan, and the freshmen, Lauren and Kramer. Yes, Kramer. No, really.

But, an explanation is not an excuse, now is it? I am still held fast to the stupid, stupid promise I made two months ago. That's right, first person to e-mail me with a phone number and a date and time for me to call gets to verbally abuse me for a full five minutes. So, you can send in those e-mails. Or, you can not, which I would prefer, because you are proud of me for being honest and not simply pre-dating a short post. Or, the most likely option, you could be like the bulk of my readership, and not exist. All are good choices.

For what it's worth, I invented a card game. A fun one! Dan smoothed out some kinks, and Lauren and Kramer playtested it with me. The rules are not quite concrete yet, but when they are, I'll post them.

I know I should write more, to make up for Saturday, but right now I'm really tired, and I have to work at nine, and then I'm going into the city, so I probably wont post again until this time Monday. Blasted college! Taking up all my free time! Sorry again!


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