Tuesday, August 24, 2004

So here's the deal:

Okay, you know how, a while back, I made some foolish pledge or another to post a minimum of one hundred words per day? And, despite one day of coming really close to forgetting, I have kept that promise up till now?Well, here's the thing: I'm going to my grandmother's house tomorrow, in Philadelphia. And then Atlantic City. Then New York City. Then it's move-in day at Iona. So the bottom line is, for the next six days, who knows if I'll even have internet access? But, I do not break promises! Usually! Which is why I'm doing the only logical thing: I'm working ahead. That's right, today I'm writing six brief posts, not including this one, that are all going to be published right now. It's up to you to stop yourself from looking at them all at once, and thus forcing yourself to go the better part of a week without any new Edly goodness. Of course, I can't talk about the trivial events of my next week, as I don't want the government to find out about my incredible psychic powers, so I'm going to be going with that old weblog standby: random links! I have a whole folder full of links to odd, interesting, and oddsteresting websites, so I grabbed a half dozen that I'm willing to spare nine dozen words for. So here we go!

Try to pace yourself.

August 25th.
P-p-p-powerbook! Ah, pranks. Everyone loves to make a fool out of others, or at the very least watch others be made fools of by Ashton Kutcher. Especially if the fool is someone who really deserves what's coming to them, like Ashton Kutcher. In the case of the P-p-p-powerbook, the fool to be is an eBay scammer, who attempted to get a slightly used Macintosh Powerbook without, you know, paying for it. Really, who would do a thing like that? That guy is such an Ashton Kutcher. Fortunately, the Powerbook seller, no Ashton Kutcher he, realized what was going on and exacted revenge. Hilarious revenge. Honestly, you can skip all the text and just jump to the pictures halfway down the page, and it would still be hilarious, but do read the entire backstory for maximum satisfaction. It's what Ashton Kutcher would do.

August 26th.
Bo logh! It's a weblog! In Klingon! No, really. Speaking as someone who literally owns a copy of the official Klingon Dictionary: What a geek! I mean, really! I went ahead and attempted to translate the fist sentence of the description, which is really boring, and ended up with something that looks like "This language other one languages and I consider it to be for this language I use it." Of course, that's word for word. When we put in the proper syntax and whatnot, it's more like "This language is just one of many and I think it's equally appropriate to use." Or something. I haven't tried much more than that, what with the having to translate every single word and all. The poll, I think, asks you to describe your ability to read Bo logh. Or actually, demands it, as Klingon doesn't have much in the way of 'asking' words. The crazy thing is, the more I read this, the simpler it is to understand. Scary!

August 27th.
The Infinite Cat Project! Have you ever wanted to look at over 250 cats... simultaneously? No? Really? Not... not even once? Huh. That's weird. Well, here's this site anyway. You get to see a cat look at a computer monitor, upon which is an image of a cat looking at a computer monitor, upon which is an image of an ad infinitum. Not an actual ad infinitum, as it all goes back to an original picture of a cat looking at a flower, but ad two hundred sixty-eightium doesn't sound nearly as interesting. Two hundred sixty-eightium, incidentally, sounds like one of those really lame elements, that have a half-life measured in picoseconds. One of those 'oids' elements. So... yeah. An nearly infinite progression of cats. Fun!

August 28th.
Pencil carving! Dang, man! Look at those pencils! They're, like, all carved and stuff! No, really, it's totally cool. This isn't some collection of doodles half assedly scratched into the side of a write-stick, this is insanely detailed carving, here. I mean it, I could not do this, and I usually claim to be able to do things that are impossible, both physically and logically. ("Can you create a square circle?" Why yes, yes I can. "Can... can I see it?" No.) Just... just look at this! It's insanely awesome! I wish there were more discussion about how it was done, the tools used and whatnot, but no,just pretty pictures to look at. Still, pretty!

August 29th.
CUTE! LITTLE! KITTENS! Man, oh man. These are some cute little kittens. See, what we have here seems to be a basic cuteness generator; you press the button, you get a fresh supply of cuteness. I've tried it many times, and I have yet to get to the point of diminishing returns. It just keeps getting cuter! If only there were some way to harness this power, turning it into a fuel source for my gigantic killer robot army. Think of it, wave after wave of cold steel deathbringers, a wheeled mass of blades and hate, each with a core of pure, kitteny cuteness. And the larger models will be equipped with catnip regulators, for when extra power is needed. Mwah ha ha ha hah! Nothing can stand in my way now! Thank you, cute little kittens!

August 30th.
Kill everyone! Yep... everyone. That's the idea behind this site, I guess. See, you're presented with a button to press, and every time you press it, someone, somewhere, dies. Actually, it's someone in Indonesia, right now. Because they're going through the countries one by one by population, and there are only four countries left: Indonesia, U.S.A., China, and India. Okay, so it's silly and useless, but somehow fun to take part in a project to collect some 6,356,506,034 clicks, and of course, render humanity extinct (which should happen in less than three years now). And check this out:


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