Wednesday, August 18, 2004


First off: finally, some new reviews! No, not my greatest work, I'm afraid, but I still though them amusing enough to post. It was a struggle to get them done, though. Once again, I'm gonna pull out the hope that I'm just dazed from too much summer, and the robots will not only rock, but also sock come September.

Speaking of September, here's my moral dilemma for September second: see, the Iona College Players, of which I am on the executive board, albeit as a representative as opposed to some sort of functional functionary, is planning a get together. At a bar. Thus, the problem. I mean, I definitely want to go, especially because my living in Chicago kept me out of earlier meetings over the summer, and I don't want to come off as uninvolved and uninterested by saying I'm not going. On the other hand, I don't like to go too far from campus, especially without any idea where the place is (it's in Pelham, but I don't know how to find it or anything), how to get there, or how to get back. I'm sure I could work my way around that... Dan would probably be nice enough to be my guide, but that brings us to the gripping hand: I really, really, really don't want to go to a bar. I don't drink, I don't like drinking, I don't like other people when they're drunk*, and all in all I just consider the whole affair repugnant and somewhat frightening.

Now maybe, maybe I have the place all wrong. Maybe it's not so much a bar as a pub, or some sort of bar and grill, or even classier, a bar and grille. That would change things a bit, I suppose. I'd have a reason to be there at any rate-- I may not approve of alcohol, but ain't no one above a nice plate of buffalo wings-- and I'd be getting all worked up over nothing, which isn't all that unusual for me. And Yahoo maps doesn't place it all that far from campus-- all of two miles-- so getting there wouldn't be any real problem, assuming Yahoo maps isn't lying to me, which wouldn't be unheard of (although MapQuest agrees that the two towns are about two miles apart, and yes I know I'm just being obsessive now, but I reserve the right to obsess over these things).

So yeah, if I go, and start finding things distasteful, it's just a brief jaunt back to Iona, and it only covers three roads; Fifth, Lincoln, and North, so even I couldn't get lost. So I might as well go, right? No harm, no pressure, and I want to go anyway, right?

[SIGH], if this is what I want to do, why do I suddenly feel like the bad guy in an after school special?

*With one notable exception, who won't be noted in this note. You know who you are.


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