Tuesday, July 27, 2004


So here I am, typing up a nice post about some troubles I've been having with the XML site feed and trying to hit the spellcheck button on the little 'BlogThis!' window, when some jackass sends me an AOL Instant Messenger "Chat invitation" That pops up if front of the button and turns out to be nothing more than a link to a damned porn site, and I discover this fact by having accidentally clicked on it, forcing the site open in the window with my freaking post in it! DAMMIT! So it's lost now! And you know who I blame? Not me, certainly! Not the jackass pornographer, although he deserves a savage beating for what he's done, no, it's Blogger! Why the Hell don't you have a warning message on the 'BlogThis!' window? Is it so hard? You already have it on the post and template editing pages, it's not like you'll have to come up with something new! It's the same damn code, just move it over! What, no one has ever accidentally had another site take over the window before? I'm the first? And no one's ever accidentally closed the window? Nothing of the sort has ever happened before, is that it? OR ARE YOU JUST IDIOTS? ARGH! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD! IT'S LIKE YOU WANT ME TO SNAP!

Seriously, counting to ten just isn't cutting it anymore! I'm not even kidding, I literally spend most of my day in my room, fuming over something, or more often, nothing. At least, nothing which I can identify. And here I thought I was getting better. At least I'm still a step above a few years ago, when I got so angry I tore a 500 page book in half. Not along the spine, mind you, horizontally. 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Not all at once, of course, I'm not Superman. It took weeks of wrenching the book in my hands before a tear developed, and it was really quite a surprise when the book found itself rent in twain. Cheered me up to no end, as well, especially since the book was still required reading in school, so whenever we were discussing it I had to bring out two little books, and of course I would make some obvious joke about how they were both 'Fifty Years of Solitude'. Ahh... good times. I'm feeling better! Sorry I cursed you out, Blogger! In fact, sorry I cursed at all, I try to keep that to a minimum. Hmm... to edit or not... eh. I'll leave it. I'm only using tier two words, ones you can get away with on primetime network TV. If they were tier three (cable) or tier four (HBO and friends) then I'd consider it.

My point remains valid though, whatever it was my point might have been. Something about Blogger and warnings and the world not going out of its way to make me angry. So... I guess I'll try to recreate that XML post sometime later today or tomorrow. Right now, I think I'm going to have some ice cream. Yes, brilliant plan! Goodbye!


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