Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Wierd Drink II

Ramune, it's called. Pronounced rah-moo-nay, I think. Supposedly the name stems from a corruption of 'lemonade'. Because, see, while Ramune bears no resemblance whatsoever to lemonade, it is kind of like 7-up, see, which is supposedly lemon-lime flavored, right, and Ramunerime would be just too long to form a marketable name, see, and basically what I'm saying here is that the Japanese are crazy. It seems Ramune has a pretty devoted fan base around here, and not just amongst the anime equivalent of script kiddies. I even found a recipe for the stuff over at Everything 2. I haven't tried it out yet, but it calls for a half pint of water, three quarters of an ounce of sugar, two thirds of a teaspoon of citric acid, and two grams of baking soda to make the bubbly magic happen that seals the bottle. I really ought to get me some citric acid. Or get get me some more Ramune. Ooh, they have Orange Ramune! Who loves Orange Ramune?

"Kel-san loves Orange Ramune!"

Is it true?

"Mmm hmm! I do, I do, I do, I do-hoo!"

Ah, Keenan and Kel. Was there ever a better show, ever? Ever? I think not. Oh! Shall I finish with a little wisdom from the Ramune bottle? Yes, I shall! "For even more delicious this drink chill before drinking." Pretty funny translation, right? You know what's even funnier? The part in perfect English, just below that: "Parental supervision is advised for small children." Ha hah... dangerous soda! Man, I think I'm gonna add both of those the my random slogan thingy. They're just plain great.


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