A hootenanny requires a straw hat.
By George, I intended to write up something very long about 'fairness' and 'the comforting because' and a return to 'significance', but it'll have to wait, because I suddenly don't have enough time to do it justice. I'm disappointed too.
Going to a get-together tonight, you see, and I must prepare. I was sorely disappointed after the soiree I intended to go to on Friday was cancelled, so this will make my obligatory social presence felt in its stead. And the lovely Danielle, who I have not seen in, I think, a year will be there, which means there's no excuse not to go, except for the fact that no one else cool is going to be there.
Except for those who might happen to read this, of course. A heh, heh. Erm. Moving on.
Anyway, I have to shower, change, get all good-smelling and suchlike. I don't really, but one gets so few opportunities to dress up, one should take advantage of them, shouldn't one? Because, dammit, in a society sorely lacking in tradition and custom and rites of passage, its easy to get spiritually lost in the woods without a map or a compass. The woods represent day to day humdrum life. The map represents celebratory escapes from the humdrum. The compass... I'm not sure what the compass represents, actually. Something good.
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