Monday, April 03, 2006

Sirs and siresses

Two things are have been going on that have kept me inordinately busy! In the first place, the Goj has been a-visiting. If you know not the Goj, he is an acquaintance of the Twins from that Ohio place, and a frequent fifth host on the acclaimed Pirate/Ninja Show on WICR Iona College Radio, and he has a beard that probably houses rodents. Live ones. Big ones.

He's a cool cat, but his limited-time presence necessitates doin' stuff with him and not so often secluding myself into my room.

The other thing keeping me busy is seclusion in my room... to write a book. That's right, another one. I've decided that the NaNoWriMo thing worked for me, at least as a motivational tool, so I'm gonna go ahead and get 'Treasure Parkway: a pirate adventure in the American Midwest' written up. This was done with much less preparation than 'Mad Jack', but given that MJ ended up in someplace very different than I had intended, this may not be an issue. Alls I know is: yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. Arr!

I may do the posting of chapters thing in the future, if I think this be worthy of the honor. It's my sophomore effort, so I don't want it to suck, or else I'll just be one big ass cliche.

I mean... one big-ass chiche. I'm not sure what an ass cliche is, but I know I wouldn't want to be a big one.

P.S.: You what what really suffers with a 'not in my room constantly' sort of weekend? My Amber time. The last time I talked to her was Saturday, and she was Frank at the time, so I don't think that counts. Or if it does, it probably shouldn't.


Blogger Amber said...

man... I was Frank?

And I missed it?


(miss you too, damn our having -lives-)

4/04/2006 2:36 AM  

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