Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Man. There's not updating daily, then there's FLARENTLY not updating daily. I'd like to avoid the latter, because then I might have to figure out what 'flarent' means. Probably something like 'platfoid' but who knows? I do. I know, but I'm not telling you. Oh, man... I'm a little too manic this paragraph. Maybe the next'll be better.

FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Wait, deep breath... okay. First off, I got some work. Not a job, mind y'all, mere work. Doing the front desk stuff I'm already doing, but getting seven bucks an hour for it. This gives me $42 a week, which will let me eat comfortably, and buy stuff I don't need without feeling terribly guilty. For example: a Zippo! WOO! A nice, silver-colored Zippo without any extraneous designs, just like I've wanted since my youth. I don't smoke, or advocate fireworks, or commit murder by burning (I'm strictly a 'blunt instrument' sort of guy), but it will still come in handy for... various... events. Well, I can light scented candles with it. And what the Hell, maybe I'll light up a big-ass cigar and pretend I'm Hannibal Smith. I'll sit around, chomping on my cigar and loving it when plans come together. Good plan! I hope it comes together!


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