Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wheel of Blame!

Tasha is to be away for the week-end. This is dissapointing on many levels... but not heartbreakingly so. Even if I won't see the lady for a good three time-units, at least I got to see her for a bit tonight. Plus, she'll be missing me too, which is the thing I gotta keep telling myself. I, being me, have a tendancy to convince myself that absolutlely no one cares about me, despite OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary. Why is this? Well, let's find out! I swiped the wheel of blame from Doktor Phil, let's us give it a spin! Here we go... "Mother, poor social skills, bad self-image, mother, illness, mother, mother, drugs, mother, mother, mother, depression, mother, poor diet, mother, mother, mother, EXTENDED family... mother... traumatic dog bite... poverty... mother... ex-girlfriend... and... moth-" NO! The Ex has it! There we go, a single source for my most crippling neurosis... VERY PROFESSIONAL!

...and because she's just like me in that respect, here's the space where I assure mother that the needle was NOT going to land on her. Love you, Ma!


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