Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Punch? Pie?

Punch and pie, together at last? WE'LL SEE!

Jose's in town for the evening, and we're trying to orgamanize an impromptu punch and pie night. Tina, Jose and I seem to be in on it; Deb could go either way, but Jay's a near-likelihood. And Tasha's a dear, dear hope. Everyone else... well, once I've brought up Tash I can't really think about other people for a couple of minutes...

Mmm, Tasha...

Anyway, life continues, except for zombies, which brings me to the subject of Land of the Dead. I saw it. It was good. I am a man, and so I get a visceral thrill out of brutal killings and explosions, and both were present in spades. Also, there were spades! Anyway, there were the 'thinking' type zombies, which I'm not that big a fan of, but I think they were used to good effect, and I left happy. And isn't that what's most important? YES!


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