Punch? Pie?
Punch and pie, together at last? WE'LL SEE!
Jose's in town for the evening, and we're trying to orgamanize an impromptu punch and pie night. Tina, Jose and I seem to be in on it; Deb could go either way, but Jay's a near-likelihood. And Tasha's a dear, dear hope. Everyone else... well, once I've brought up Tash I can't really think about other people for a couple of minutes...
Mmm, Tasha...
Anyway, life continues, except for zombies, which brings me to the subject of Land of the Dead. I saw it. It was good. I am a man, and so I get a visceral thrill out of brutal killings and explosions, and both were present in spades. Also, there were spades! Anyway, there were the 'thinking' type zombies, which I'm not that big a fan of, but I think they were used to good effect, and I left happy. And isn't that what's most important? YES!
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