Sunday, July 10, 2005

Not much was done today either...

But, I didn't have any plans, so it's not nearly as unpleasant. Also, I got the laundry done, which was getting to be pretty desperate, so at least I got a feeling of accomplishment. And I've been doing a lot of thinking, which usually results in me screaming in the darkness at my own mind because it Won't! Shut! Up!, but all's been going pretty well up there recently, and I'm arriving at pleasant conclusions about myself, which is just peachy. So, I'm a content Ed, which is like a happy Ed but not so reliant on bread and circuses to maintain the happy.

Not that I don't like bread and circuses. Especially very pretty breads and circuseses named Natasha. I like them a whole hell of a lot. Mmm... bread...


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