Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm sad today.

Well, not misery. Not depression. Not constant endless pain. But... nothing comic. It's been a weird couple of days, actually. I've had a lot of fun between midnight and sleep, like at that show, and that party, and that... whatever I'll be doing tonight in the wee hours, which will surely be exciting... but around when the 'let's bring the funny' time rolls around... I got nothing! I'm just... not up to it. And yes, I remember that I'm supposed to make a review today... but OY! I am not up to it!

Seriously, I'm about ready to, if not ABANDON that octuple 'p' promise... at least lighten it significantly. Or rather, alter it. Make it... seven hundred words a week, which would make things much easier on me. And, much better for you, I'd think, who will get all the hilarious, with a lot less... notlarity. Worth considering...


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