Friday, June 10, 2005

No post today!

Don't you hate it when just thinking about someone basically ruins your whole day? Like, things can be going quite swimmingly, and you could be getting somewhere with your writing, or looking forward to your friend's show that's in the evening, and otherwise being quite happy, when suddenly BAM! That's right! You're annoyed! So you end up writing a bitchy and vindictive post where you talk about a person without actually mentioning the person, which serves to alienate your audience, none of whom actually know what you're talking about. And in the utterly unlikely even that this person should eventually read it, you know they're both too oblivious to realize it's them and too selfish to care, so really it's just a waste of your time, and your reader's time, and the Internet's ever-dwindling supply of words.*

Hence, I guess I won't bother posting today.

*(It's a bigger problem than you'd think. There are only so many words to go around, and with the steadily increasing length of web pages, and the ever growing number of consumers, the word vats at Internet Central are approaching critical levels. Oh, sure, they're not empty yet, thanks in part to the efforts to recycle words from old newspapers and adapt them to Internet use, but the process is costly and does not account for any of your finer profanities, which account for a good 50% of Internet discourse. So do your part to help: embrace overstocked multisyllabic verbiage. Eschew indefinite articles. Semicolons replace popular conjunctions; are more efficient. Together, we can help prevent a disastrous word shortage, which would       significant      , indeed,               "Manly    "  ,     ,      bacon?)


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