Saturday, August 07, 2004


So, I've been contemplating a switch from my oldfangled HaloScan comments to the new-fashioned BlogSpot comments. I know, I know, I said before that I wouldn't do it, but I've been working with it and it's got some advantages that I really like! And yet, I'm still torn. I’m fond of the old system as well.


Well, for one thing, the Blogspot comments display inline with the post, instead of as some pop-up. I'm not a fan of pop-ups even when they’re serving a purpose. Also, I've been playing with it on my testing weblog, or testlog (pronounced 'tess-TLOG' so it's funny, not 'TEST-log' which is sensible) and there's a bit more customizability than I thought there was. So, in and of itself it’s a little better than the other, and yet I'm not sure about making the change.

"Seriously, why?"

Well, it's so much about the old comments; I can retype those if I feel like it, there aren't too many and I have the time. Basically, it's because one has to be a member of Blogger to leave their name in a comment. While anonymous comments are an option, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It smacks of LiveJournal-esque xenophobia, and dang it, I'm all about broadmindedness.

"No, you misunderstand me, I meant 'Why are you mentioning this?' You have maybe a dozen comments and they're all from people you know, most of whom live in your dorm. You could replace the current comment system with a picture of a cat and virtually no one would know."

Oh. Um… sorry.


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