Saturday, April 08, 2006

Where's my pen?

My beautiful silver engraved pen that my mother presented to me upon the completion of my masterwork, Mad Jack? Where is it? This day, at three o'clock, I was in my room filling out an application, and I was using it. Then, I went out to SubWay with Jess. Then at four ten, I return to my room, reach into my pocket to retreive said pen, and it is not to be found! Which means either it is in Jess's car, or it is on the floor of the SubWay, or it is in the mud at the side of the road, having fallen when I entered or exited the car!

This is really very sad. I really, really like that pen... it's my I am a fancy author pen, in addition to being a gift from my mother, and I am very, very upset by this turn of events.


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