Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Impromptu party day! A day where I have an impromptu party to celebrate life and shit like that! And then I play Resident Evil 4 and kick goodly amounts of ass in spite of the fact that I am, in all honesty, fairly wasted. That game, incidentally, freaks me the hell out. Seriously. In all kinds of way, from the ''constantly under attack' aspect to the 'extremely limited resources' aspect to the 'dude, what if I had a mind controlling parasite in my body' aspect. All over, it's freaky-deaky.

Dudes, it's a weak to moving day. Speaking of things that are fucking freaky as all hell. Still excited but... seriously. Oh my god. I am scared. Potentially the biggest change that has ever happened in my life in T minus less than seven days. I shall not, whilst I am, yes, fairly wasted, elucidate upon the concurrent existential dread.


  1. Drunken existential dread is the worst kind of existential dread to try illuminating.

    It's a load of bollucks, is what it is.

  2. Enjoy the drunk parties in the stilted air of New York city while you still can, my friend.

    See you at the party :).

