Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ah hah!

So, I did return with enough spare time to bang out a brief update. I feared I might not, but no... the audio was uneccesary. Assuming it was at all audable at all. Which it may not have been, as it was cunducted quitely in a room full of people talking, some to me. So, really, y'all can ignore it as uneccesary. The bottom line, I had one task for today: advertising project. I, uh, did not do it, however I rationalized my procrastination to a significant degree, and hope that all will be well on the morrow. It has been a good day, though, watching Ford murder cultists in Resident Evil 4, do elfy things in Legend of Zelda, and steal cars and kill hookers in, well, in real life, because that's just the sort of guy Ford is. He don't play by the rules!


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