Thursday, October 14, 2004

96 words short.

Yeah, that last post won't really cover me for today, so I have to come back and write some actual readable content. But what to write? I mean, I suppose I could just go on with life as I know it, talk about the new alarm clock I got, and just let the phrase 'Nicole is Wonderful' hang up there, unexplained. That'll be option 'A'.

Option 'B' therefore, would be to cycle back to the 'Nicole is Wonderful' and give it an explanation. That would be the more rewarding, I think, but also the more difficult. It was hard enough telling Nicole why she's wonderful (which, in case you were unaware, she is), but to tell the entire Internet? Oy! I can't do that! For one thing, I don't nearly have enough time to dedicate to the task. Plus, and this may surprise people who know me, who've seen me do all the shameless crap I do, but I'm inordinately shy when it comes to some things. No, really. Remember when I made out with Paul the twin at open mike night? Remember when I walked over Bobbo while wearing my kilt, calling out "Close your eyes, right now!"? Remember all those times when I just plain dropped my pants? Fun, right? But if there's a girl I'm fond of... well, it's not nearly so easy in that case. I can just about get out 'wonderful'. Any more detail is beyond me right now.

But it's okay, because she is wonderful.


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